السلام عليكم & Hi :)
" Teen Mom is an American reality television series that premiered on MTV on December 8, 2009. A spin-off of 16 and Pregnant, the series chronicles the lives of four of the teenagers from the original series as they navigate their first few years of motherhood.[1] The series focuses on the challenges and struggles of teenage parenthood and changing relationships, specifically those of family, friends, and the couples themselves."
Source : wikipedia
Actually aku tidak pernah tonton series ini.
Aku buat post ini coz aku ter-follow beberapa orang Teen mom di tumblr.
Ter-follow coz aku suka tengok pic baby yang dorang share and tak sangka plak dorang Teen mom.
Pada pendapat aku dorang ini berani coz sanggup teruskan kehamilan dorang walaupun tidak disokong oleh keluarga etc. Tapi ada juga Teen mom yang family dorang sokong.
Teen mom memang banyak kritikan daripada pujian. #fact
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